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How thoroughly are Chicago's taxis inspected?

It is hard to imagine the wear and tear that the typical Chicago taxicab must endure in the average year. These are vehicles that are on the road almost constantly. As we all know, Chicago streets are not easy on cars. With the weather, the potholes, and the start and stop downtown traffic, a taxi is truly put through the wringer.

In order to remain on the streets, these vehicles must be properly maintained. A taxi that has mechanical issues could be hazardous to other road users. To better ensure that taxis are safe, the City of Chicago requires that they be subject to scheduled inspections. What is involved in the inspection process?

Each taxi must pass inspections at three different stations; Meter, Visual and Mechanical. All three stations are located at a single facility. During the inspection process, the taxi is checked inside and out to make sure it meets the city's specifications.

The vehicle cannot have any excessive fluid leaks. When tested, the brakes must function properly and cannot make the taxi veer to one side or the other. The brakes must also be mechanically sound with rotors that are free of rust and excessive grooving or pitting.

In addition, the mechanical inspection also covers the suspension system, the engine, the belts and hoses, the battery and the tires. In spite of the thoroughness of the city's inspection process, sometimes mechanically unsound taxis still take to the road. If such a taxi should strike a pedestrian or another vehicle, then the company that runs that taxi should be held accountable.

Taxi companies are responsible for making sure that their vehicles will not pose any unnecessary dangers to the public. If you are ever injured due to the negligent maintenance practices of a taxi company, an Illinois motor vehicle accident attorney may be able to help get the compensation you deserve for your recovery.